Thread: Help sex ackies
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Old 04-23-21, 07:19 PM   #10
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Re: Help sex ackies

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
I think the size is far too small even for one adult, let alone two, if one/both are female you need at least 10 to 12 inches of substrate for nesting, that only leaves 12 inches "air space" above ground. For one single adult I would recommend a minimum of 5L x 2.5 to 3W x 3.5 to 4H (feet) they will use every inch of space if given the means. For two, add another foot to the length... For too long keepers and "breeders" have advised the size you use as acceptable, particularly if their animals breed successfully, suggesting in that case "it`s all they require"? I say that`s nonsense, especially for such active animals, it`s more about saving space than providing as much as possible. People do not breed monitors, monitors do that themselves, we mostly just incubate the eggs!
What are the substrate temps from surface to floor of the enclosure throughout?
Are you asking what the temps are inside the burrows? Not sure if you were but I put a probe down there and the lowest I saw was 74F. The cool side of the enclosure hit 77F (ground temp) warm side seems to be around 80-87f (ground temp) depending on how far back I do the reading. As I go up the temps raise up to 150f on the very top of the cork and starts at 91F at the very bottom piece. These were all measured with digital thermometers and temp guns. As for the size of the enclosure IG my info was outdated as I was under the impression that 4x2x2 was an appropriate size for at least one but I do agree even at this size they use every inch of the enclosure. I 100% intended on going for a larger enclosure anyway but knowing they can produce at this size I will speed things along. I have the funds so I will likely place an order now since the person I order from has a 6 week wait time on enclosures.
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