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Old 01-05-20, 08:47 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan-2020
Posts: 6
Re: Building a new custom enclosure for our red-tailed boss.

Hi so I know you said pvc or birch wood. I work at a lumber yard so I know birch is a hardwood which makes it easier to stain and its dense so all around great wood and is efficient when you coat it with sealant since it stains easy. Now as far as PVC I know HDPE which is a better plastic than pvc is not what you asked about, but your legitimate concern about warping or sagging, well HDPE is DENSE hence the (HIGH DENSITY POLY ETHYLENE ) it will not warp because the heat tolerance is 100 degrees more than PVC. So 248 degree is the max heat HDPE can tolerate before losing its strength and potentially warping. As far as sagging, if its made right with support then it should not sag. Bad thing is HDPE is more expensive which is why I started a thread on here talking about how I want to make HDPE cages sell them locally to have people give honest reviews before trying to ship them out to different states. But HDPE is better in every way compared to PVC except price.
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