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ReptiZone 06-05-04 08:39 AM

New-Brunswick Herp sociaty
Looking for potetial ppl that are willing to join a form of herp sociaty in Moncton New-Brunswick.

Reason being for all of you that are from Moncton you know that there is a Pet stor on main street that is having a closing sale and Vicky the Pet store owner close to the mall (Champlain) is also closing her doors. well I caugt wind this could be rumerd but word has it that 2 if not 3 large Pet store chains are planing to Open in our city now with all these big Stores coming in we can only imagine the miss information and half truth's that will be spread.

My Plan is to make appropriat camtact's and set up information shows and Maby abvle to be in on Opaning days spreading the word of the new Sociaty If we want this to work we need to do it soon. And be advertised in high Trafick areas and what is better then a Brand new pet store for a High trafic.

Pm or E-mail me what you think.
Keep in Mind this is free and definatly not and easy task but if you have the same Passion as me and my friends we can do alot of good in this city. We just need to give it a shot.

I would rather try and fail then not try at all. Give these pet stores a run for there money set the rules NOW they are in our town they will NOT exploit the Animals we LOVE.

The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron

BoidKeeper 06-05-04 09:20 AM

Contact Bernie Gallant at the Magnetic Hill Zoo. He has been interested in forming an official society for some time but the people who wanted to help were either in northern NB, Fredericton or Saint John.

lostwithin 06-05-04 09:35 AM

I think it's a great idea.

jim mcallister 06-05-04 10:05 AM

A club for New Brunswick sounds great but i don't know if we have enough people to get involved? I know Nova Scotia has a society but i'm surprised their isn't an Atlantic Canada Society for all the maritimes. With all of the maritimes (or Atlantic Canada) involved maybe their could be enough people to have a good club?? Jim

ReptiZone 06-06-04 11:18 AM

well the Number of PPl involved is not my main Priority, My priority is to get the ppl that want to be involved started now so we can catch the Province By storm if we want it to work we need to realy sit back and brain storm as a group on ways how we can get a better public awareness in the Reptile world I have a few ideas But I will only share them face to face and to ppl I feel are responsible enough to be in for the long haul at this point age is nothing to me weither you are 35 or 16 I could not care less we all love these animals and we all have Knowledge that can be brought to the table I have a few names that are willing to get started I am Aiming for the round number of 10 so we as a group can just sit back on a nice day and brain storm on how the society could grow. once again I would love to have your feed back.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron

Who knows If we as Maritimers work hard enugh we could take all the societys of the Atlantic region and put on a Herp show just for information not sales.....not yet any ways My goal is to Educat B4 Selling.

lostwithin 06-06-04 11:50 AM

Hey , Just sent you a Pm, it Has some interesting Info that you may or may not have already thought too read. It's one of those things that needs changing, but Trying too change it may cause problems for everyone.

BoidKeeper 06-06-04 02:47 PM

Have you guys joined the NB herp club or the Atlantic Herp club?

ReptiZone 06-07-04 09:20 AM

Thanx Trevor for the links I will look into that later on this evaning.

Thank you Devon for the Info that was in you Pm to me. I am gona take this time to raise awarnes the the New-Brunswick herpers.
I am gona cap lock this for you ppl.

the animals you find in Pet stores are not eve suposed to be sold in pet stores cause we and maritimers are not even suposed to own them in our home.

Thanx for your time and effort everyone

Classic 06-07-04 09:59 AM

What exactly are you attempting to prove by posting that list?

What are you thinking?


BoidKeeper 06-07-04 01:45 PM

We need to change the list by contacting people like Bernie Gallant who the goverment goes to when ever there is a proble, not by rocking the boat. This has to be done very carefully. They know what's in our homes and in the pet shops. The reason they leave us alone is because we keep to our selves mostly and don't move out of places and leave giant burms behind.
When ever some calls social services on their ex because they have a boa or a burm social services contracts Bernie to go do an inspection, not to remove the animal. They don't want to take our animals because they have no where to send them. The SPCA can't house them and Jean Claude says no now.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that in my opinion if people are going to get together to form an official society with the purpose of better the care and education of herps and herp keepers they need to do it carefully and quietly in the beggining and with the right members like herp vets, people with zoo liscenses and the provinces largest zoo reptile curator.
I think the next step would be to take it to the Atlantic forum and ask the members there that are members of the existing NS herp society how they got going. Maybe Neil Meister may want to help us establish an Atlantic Society for all the provinces.
Food for thought,

leoncurrie 06-07-04 01:59 PM

Well first off.... that list is not correct. The only paper work you need for cities animals in Canada is the ones that are cities 1 or that are not captive bred in this country. Further more.... A herp society in nb will not fly. The herp world is, now (majority) more about breeding and making as much money as possible and not necessarily about the facination of herps.

BoidKeeper 06-07-04 03:20 PM


The herp world is, now (majority) more about breeding and making as much money as possible and not necessarily about the facination of herps.
Leon Leon Leon. With that attitude you're beat before you even start. So you ran into a few bad apples over the years. You can't change the team by quitting.
Remember buddy, whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't you'll always be right!

ReptiZone 06-07-04 03:32 PM

Hey we need firm ground in New-Brunswick.
I am not trying to start a debat on if the list is acurat or not or right or wrong.
IMO it is verry wrong If the herpers of generatons B4 would have been on the ball there would be no such list.
But now we have to suffer. I Actualy in the proces of contacting bernie and let him in on My Ideas I have alot of things that need to be seen with a fresh set of eyes B4 being put into motion.

As Trevor said we need to have ppl with a reputation to speek for us as a collective voice such as Provicial Zoo curators and ppl with the paper work. That proves there capabilaties and there words actualy means something.

And yes Maby the hobby is becoming to comercial and all about making money but how much money are you gona make when you can no longer sell your animals to a hand full of provinces. Cause weather we wana belive it or not a boa is still the exact same thing as an albino boa.
Just cause a person droped $1,500 dosent mean it wont be seased cause of some Stupide By-Law the province has.

Thanx again Trevor for you suport and Ideas I am all over the vet Idea.
So once more all Maritime herpers especialy Moncton herp keepers Plz contact me Via E-Mail or PM.

Have a good Day

The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron

AtlanticReptile 06-07-04 04:44 PM

I think Mark has a great idea, not only would it give fellow New Brunswick reptile keepers a chance to interact weather it be an annual reptile show with guest speakers, exibits, etc, but it would also give us a chance as a group to possibly fight any of these laws if any of us were affected by them.



ReptiZone 06-08-04 10:27 AM

Thanx for your suport Nick I will be in touch with ya.

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