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Old 06-25-21, 10:30 AM   #4
Join Date: Nov-2014
Posts: 841
Re: Hognose scale issues?

Almost looks like a minor burn. Do you have an undertank heater? Is it controlled by a thermostat (not a rheostat)? Can you measure the surface temperature of the hot spot with a infrared/non contact thermometer/temp gun?

Not trying to undermine your vet but electrolyte soaks are mostly useless with snakes. They are only beneficial if your snake happens to drink while soaking; the snake's skin doesn't absorb nutrients. (Electrolyte soaks are useful for tortoises because tortoises absorb nutrients through their cloacas.)

The only worthwhile soak substances I know of are water for shedding issues and chlorhexidine/iodine for topical infections.
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