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Old 06-10-04, 09:03 AM   #17
Join Date: Jan-2003
Location: new brunswick
Age: 52
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I have np sharing my view so people can see my colours. I think Your a young fella with good idea's but a poor way of going about things. This whole by-law thing has been an issue for years.... just not enforced. In my opinion I think there should be an organization where reptiles brought in and out of the province would go directly through them. Having experienced people monitoring who has what and how it is being kept will hold alot more weight with natural resources rather then just having a herp club. It would cut down on people having retiles out there just for show or to get attention. I'm not saying that it would stop all the problems... but it would cut down on the amount idiots owning reptiles. Anyone in the province that did have a reptile without going through this organization would run the chance of having there animal taken away. Putting a list up of legal reptiles that are allowed in the province..... Not your brightest idea. How old are you and how many years have you been keeping herps RepiZone?
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