Thread: Caiman got ups.
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Old 01-06-17, 04:37 AM   #17
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Re: Caiman got ups.

Most crocodilians typically need a 50/50 enclosure. A lot of people house these animals in mostly water with maybe a rock or a stick to bask on and realistically is an incorrect way to keep crocodilians.

Paleosuchus are more of a terrestrial Genus in comparison, and even hatchlings like to venture out on land. Most people do not provide ample land for crocodilians and assume since others keep mostly aquatic set ups, that must be the way to do it. Monkey see monkey do. Can it work, sure but you'll also see a lot of underlying issues, especially if you keep multiple animals together.

This animal is now in a 7'x2'x2' enclosure with a third of the floor space being water. He spends a lot of his daytime activity being in the water, or when I mess with him, he instantly runs towards the water but at night and some hours in the day he will venture out and walk around. He also has a couple of "dens" in the substrate and in the plant containers. He uses the bark hides people buy for snakes at times as well.
There is literally no area this animal hasn't used and keeping crocodilians in small enclosures with mostly water is an injustice, especially this species.
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