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Old 06-21-19, 08:53 AM   #6
Join Date: Nov-2018
Posts: 113
Re: New garter snake advice

Originally Posted by David339 View Post
Thanks for the advice. I haven't started with getting him used to hands yet, he is about to go into a shed. I have held him without incident and have lightly run my finger down his back to get his attention. He was in the back of the tank and not paying attention to me trying to feed him that time. He did not even jump for that. He's only been jumpy at me spot cleaning and doing some in tank stuff. He's definitely curious, he only jumps when I'm in tank and bonk something on accident. I'm not sure he is a he, I just refer to him that way. As far as feeding I've been giving him a pinky every 4 days or so. I do like to give my animals variety in food wherever I can so I will probably be implementing frogs/worms when I can. I haven't bothered with fish, would these be worth adding to something I give him every now and again?
Yes, fish is a good food source for garters. Just don't feed fish that have thiamanise, an enzyme that can harm your snakes. Unfortunately, that includes the most readily available live feeder fish -- goldfish and rosy reds.

Most people recommend feeding frozen-thawed fish anyway to kill parasites that may be present in live fish. I feed silversides.

Here's a list of safe fish from the the thamnophis forum:
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