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James556 06-18-22 11:02 AM

New sand boa temp questions
Hey all, I just purchased my first female kenyan sand boa 2 says ago and just have a few questions on temp control...I currently use a uth with thermostat set to 93 degrees with an overhead heating lamp with a 60 watt bulb on a dimmer...I seem to have the surface temps correct (basking sits at 91, warm side is 85-88 and cool side is 78-82 degrees...The issue I'm having is ambient temp, it sits at 81-83 degrees and I was told even 80 is on the warm end, when I dim it down to bring the bent down, obviously the surface goes all out of wack and cools down to much...What can I do to fix this? I've been told uth is all that's needed but with the amount of substrate used it makes it hard to heat the entire cage, I use overhead for my corn as well as a uth too...She is in a 18x18x12 front opening exo Terra enclosure as well with repti chips as the substrate as well, my house never goes below 70 degrees either...Thanks in advance foe taking the time to read this and your input!

chairman 06-27-22 06:15 PM

Re: New sand boa temp questions
I'm going to summarize your setup from your description, please correct any mistakes I make.

You have a thermostat controlling room temperature that is apparently set to 70F.

You are relying on the room's thermostat to keep your rheostat on the basking bulb accurate.

You have a thermostat controlling the temperature of the UTH.

To fix your temperature problem you could try:

Switching your bulb to a spot light, maybe even a lower wattage one; this will direct heat to the hot spot with less impact on the overall cage. (Flood lights and standard shaped bulbs direct heat differently than spot lights.)

Change the height of your bulb.

Move your bulb further to one side of the tank than the other.

Change the angle of your bulb, perhaps aim it at the hot side.

Get a thermostat for your heat bulb.

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