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Jimmy whispers 12-28-21 09:16 PM

Gecko thermal gradient
Hello everyone,
So, my gfriends daughter purchased a crestie from the narbc show here in Schaumburg last year.
They told her room temperatures are fine. However i feel a thermal gradient would be optimal. The room is around 68°. I feel that a heat source to boost a hot spot of 72-75 would be ideal during the day. She wont listen to me, she will only listen to the breeder from the narbc show. Humidity is also only around 40%. Obviously thats way to low.
I dont keep geckos or lizards of any sort, always been retics n burms. All of which have been kept in an optimal environment going on 20 years.
Idk what else to say. If im wrong about my thoughts on this, let me know.

chairman 12-29-21 12:45 PM

Re: Gecko thermal gradient
I have a couple crested geckos. I've kept them both ways, with supplemental heat and without. The geckos really don't seem to care unless the heat source is also a light source, then they hate it. I have a gecko that is around 16 or 17 years old that has lived its life without heat beyond room temp, so the strategy appears to be successful.

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