Thread: Herp Lingo :)
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Old 02-03-12, 01:00 PM   #64
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Re: Herp Lingo :)

USARK - United States Association of Reptile Keepers
NARBC - North American Reptile Breeders Conference
Hybrid - the offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds
Pink - newborn mouse/rat/etc.
Hopper - weened mouse/rat
Hook - metal hooked rod used to handle snakes
Substrate - bedding of the terrerium (paper/wood shavings/dirt/etc)
Tongs - snake handling device similar to a rod with pincers
Tubing - clear peice of PVC or similar tubing used to safely secure the animals head to allow for hands on treatment
Probing - a method of sexing the animal
Popping - a method of sexing the animal
Tub - a plastic/rubber bin used to house reptiles
Rack - a shelving type unit used to house multiple animals
Colony - a breeding group of animals
Field Herping - looking for reptiles in the wild
Egg Tooth - modified scale on the tip of the mouth used to break through the egg
Neonate/Neo - a baby snake
Tailing - handling a snake by holding up it's tail and restricting it's range of movements
BHP - Black-Headed Python
Slug - an unfertalized egg
Temp Gun - a point and shoot laser thermometer
CHE - ceramic heat emitter
RHP - radiant heat panel

Might be some doubles, I don't remember all that were up there now lol
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