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Old 05-11-12, 06:33 AM   #69
Little Wise Owl
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Re: Monitor enclosure discussion thread

Originally Posted by mo9e64 View Post
.The reality is most beginners will tire quickly and get out of monitors,those that will stay will do the right things..
In the slight chance that a beginner may actually read caresheet like Wayne's and see a young monitors' requirement for such a large enclosure may discourage their will to buy a monitor in the first place... Or maybe that's just wishful thinking

Most would not want to buy a monitor if the recommendation for a starting enclosure be the adult product.

I personally don't see an issue with such a large enclosure in the first place. I think the animal would be more comfortable with the large space offering plenty of hiding spots rather than a smaller one offering 1-3 hiding spots.

If you take some of the shy species like mine,they'll just hide and not be such a positive experience.
If the animal wants to hide, then why take that away from them?

Just my two cents, I guess.
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