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Old 01-17-12, 11:23 AM   #14
Retic Fanatic
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Join Date: Mar-2011
Age: 35
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Re: At a loss for words...

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
But say you want a Albino Retic and no one in your state breeds them or wants to go though the hassle to come to our state to sell them. Then you will never be able to get one. You could drive to another states and buy one, but if you get caught or someone turn you in you just became a Felon. Plus say their only two Retic breeders in your state look at paying 2 to 3 times the amount you would now.

What pisses me off are the people who go "Oh i never own any of the big 9 anyway so why should i vote or worry about it." Well it always has to start some where. Next will be medium size snake like BRB, Carpets, Bloods, GTP, and Womas to name a few. Then in a couple years later it be small snakes. Before long they all will be ban.

To all who did their part THANK YOU!
To those who didn't take the time Shame on you for not caring enough about the animal we all love to do your part.
I was relieved to find out that retics were not on the list of animals banned, currently it stands at A-rocks both norhtern and souther, yellow annies and burms.
That being said, ANY loss is a loss and a step closer to a species wide list of bans.

This is our chance to unite and fight back against any new proposed bans, and there are lots.

If you want any info on this visit USARK.
People who know everything are often clueless.
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