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Old 01-17-12, 03:01 PM   #69
Retic Fanatic
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Re: At a loss for words...

Originally Posted by mykee View Post
Stephan, I'm heartbroken.
So are you saying you disagree with me?
Is this even your fight?
CAN you even fight this fight living where you do?
Personally, for the most part, I stopped caring about other peoples collections a long time ago and have focused on keeping my animals clean, healthy and fed.
You'll find that when push comes to shove, there really is no "community" of reptile enthusiasts, just a bunch of individual keepers who could care less about you and your collection.
Me me me.
You'll see.
Once you've been around longer than 8.4 seconds in this hobby you'll figure that out.
Until then you're speaking on deaf ears and making a general nuisance of yourself with all your vulgarity and bold lettering.

Once the fight comes north of the border (where my voice counts) I'll be on the front lines to defend MY collection. If everyone thought the way I do, LOTS more public outcry would have happened.

So what's your motive here; you don't have a horse in this race, you don't have a voice in this fight, are you just pushing out your chest to show everyone how loud and obnoxious you can be?
You win, we get it.
What's your deal?

USARK has been busting their a$$es trying to do what they can to get these laws voted down. Clearly they didn't have the support of the hobbyists and breeders (who have far more to lose than USARK) behind them.
Serves. Them. Right.
I'm just waiting for the other seven species to be banned as well.
Yes I can fight from where I currently stand, and if you thought for more then a second you could figure out how.
I DO have a horse in this race, as I plan on moving to the states next year.
Even if I wasn't I'd still fight, and do you know why? Because I care about more then just ME, I have friends and family who live in the states and I'm willing to fight for more then just MY interests.
People who know everything are often clueless.
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