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Old 03-13-12, 10:00 AM   #22
Join Date: Jan-2012
Posts: 69
Re: Monitor enclosure discussion thread

So you think that because I made a spot for him to hide... Out of wood and he loves it in there would make it so he does not feel he needs to make a burrow and is happy with his. Olive has been handled everyday since birth. The pet store I bought him from has volunteers that come in and handle the pets.. Olive does not feel any fear in my house, he walks up to my dogs and cats will climb over the dogs, walk up the couch if he hears my voice... I feel he does not feel the need to hide. I open up his door he comes right to me, if not I can put my hand in and pick him up he will not fight me or run. I never trained Olive he has always been 100 percent happy with people. So in conclussion I say maybe every Monitor is different and not everyone needs the same type of enclosure.

Last edited by Hail3gh; 03-13-12 at 10:23 AM..
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