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Old 06-10-04, 01:53 PM   #19
Join Date: Jul-2002
Posts: 4,768
The Nova Scotia herp society has a web site, just do a search and you'll find it.
One thing in a democracy that doesn't fly is the abrasive attitude that you have taken here in that last post. My suggestion is get everyone who is really seriouse together in the same room. I'm plaining on hosting the next herp meet and greet for our area at my home some time soon after school ends for the year. That may be a good place to start. Further more what is your vision? What perpose should an official society serve? Who will write the constitution? Will there be dues? When is the AGM? Who amoung us have experience chairing meetings and running provincial based clubs?
Marc like Leon I believe your heart is in the right place but I think we are a long way off from petitioning the goverment for any changes.
As for the list and the poop hitting the fan, like I said before they know we have these animals and they know we bring stuff in and send stuff out. Sometimes the quite approach to things is the best approach. Tread littly and take your time. Once we are organized and official and have many credible members, proffesionals from all walks of life then we will be taken seriously then we can worry about changing laws that aren't really affecting us anyway.
I'll be visiting Bernie tomorrow.
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