View Full Version : Rat snake - question

05-13-13, 10:52 AM
Hi, I bought a 6ft rat snake last Aug 2012 and was told he was about 5 years old.he was a very placid snake who could be handled by all of us and the kids and always seemed happy and settled and very active in Viv. He was in a very small Viv in shop but spent a lot of the biggest one i could find. About the end of Dec he seemed to go off his food or going a lot longer than usual, and wouldn't take the medium rats he was having and started to only eat smalll mice. His skin looked like odd bits that looked like say scales had come off and I presumed he was going to shed. He became less active also not coming out from under his log hardly at all. He also struck and got hold of my partners thumb giving her a nasty bite and bruise. We didn't blame the snake for this and just wondered what was causing this. He had shed his skin about 2 days before getting him so guessed he was due. Since then he has not fed that well and rarely appears. Then yesterday he came out and had a long drink then I noticed him shedding and did so, which was great to watch. He then like nothing had happened seemed to be back to his old self going around whole Viv and very interested in us outside. Reading all the things you can about shedding explains everything about why he was as it all matches. What don't make since is that it seems like the process started months ago but has only just happened so am wondering if this can be normal or did I miss something. Am waiting until tomorrow to feed him so unsure of his appetite at the moment. Would be glad of some opinions. Thanks, Alan

Mark Taylor
05-13-13, 02:04 PM
He was probably in shed when he struck, Most snakes go off food at some point they can go months without food so don't worry about that, offer once a week you can leave a F/T rat in over night works for me if it's still there in the morning I chuck it away.

Have you checked for mites? what temps and humidity, How do you check temps and humidity?

All the info will help.:)

05-13-13, 11:35 PM
Hi Mark, will admit I'm not an experienced snake keeper but I do read what I can and ask rather than just leave it as a pet so am glad of your reply so thanks. He has no obvious signs of mites, is this something you would just see. Also I have a long back light and a heat lamp that both go on for about 8 hours a day but must admit I don't check the temp!!! Also you said to leave a rat in his Viv over night, I was told to not feed him in his Viv so he don't associate being fed there. He is fed in a large plastic tank. So will feeding him in his Viv be ok then? He does look good again now he's shed and is back to being very active which is good to see.

Thanks again, Alan.

05-14-13, 03:26 AM
It seems a bit odd to me that you got him in August 2012 and he hadn't shed at all until just now... that's about 9 months!!! :/

Anyways.. I'm glad he is back to doing better. When I started reading and saw your use of past tense I was concerned that he had died... I'm very glad to hear he is alive and well. I hope he eats for you now!

05-14-13, 05:48 AM
Temps might be an issue if your never checking them, and if the light is left with no thermostat to controle it then I'd say that will contribute to his stress...

Feeding in the viv is fine and that's a myth about them becoming aggressive because of it, just be careful he doesn't swallow too much substrate with the rat... I've never had a rat snake so I'm just talking general info here.