View Full Version : substrate

01-20-03, 08:08 PM
I'm going to have cypress mulch for the bottom of my future blood's enclosure, but I'm just wondering if I could put a little bit of spagnum moss on one side of the cage instead of in a little container or in another seperate hide box. Would this be okay? Or is there a special place I should put the moss? Thanks

01-21-03, 12:01 AM
I'm not to familiar with the climate in txas... but if it's anything like florida u will not need the moss.. mist the mulch and it will be about 80% the whole time LOL


Grant vg
01-21-03, 12:05 AM
Hey Rachel,

The only thing about trying to keep spagnum on one side and not in a container is that it will eventually get pushed all over the cage and dry up quickly.

By putting it in a container, you can keep it damp and in one place. :D

01-21-03, 03:58 PM
Thanks grant I'll try that.

Pythonian: it's about the same, but I don't always have time everyday to mist the enclosure. Every other day would work for me. So by keeping the moss in there I don't have to worry about the whole cage drying up. Thanks anyway =)

01-21-03, 04:58 PM
I agree with Grant. Humid Hides are the way to go. Snakes love to redecorate...lol :p

Originally posted by Pythonian
I'm not to familiar with the climate in texas... but if it's anything like florida u will not need the moss.. mist the mulch and it will be about 80% the whole time LOL

I don't live there, but I know several people that do - as far as I know it is pretty dry, unlike Florida...