View Full Version : heaters in ottawa?

reptile boi
12-26-02, 05:17 PM
Hey its me again!
This question is particularily for dom. Or anyone who keeps large boids in ottawa. My question is, where do you get poreclean socketed light holders (or whatever you call them) and ceramic heat emitters other than the pet stores? I have been to most of the pet stores in Ottawa, and all their CHE and poreclean sockets* are at least $40-$50.00 depending on size and the wattage! Does anyone know where i can get them for less than $40 or $50 bucks?


12-26-02, 05:51 PM
Homedepot is your answer....theres one in gloucester, orleans and around nepean i think....
they run from 1-15$ i think....probably closer to the 5$ range....
thats for the sockets anyways....

12-26-02, 06:25 PM
yep - i think its 4.99 for the light thing .. 99 cents ofr the pancake backing and 1.99$ for the wire!

Garanteed to be less than 10 bucks .. then also at home depot uve got tons of different tyopes of lights to choose on depending on what u need


12-26-02, 08:41 PM
Canadian Tire also has a great selection of of sockets and wire to aid you in all of your herp heating projects. I get all of my stuff there. My opinion could be slightly biased though as I do work there.

reptile boi
12-26-02, 11:43 PM
Hey gise,
I couldnt find any poreclean sockets at canadian tire, but what do i need the wire for? Does home depot actually carry "poreclean socketed thing"? And Dom, are there special stuff that you need to install the pancake thingy? And does anyone know where i can get a ceramic heat emitter for under $40 bucks? Also, where do YOU gise get your red bulbs from, and what brand and/or name do you gise buy that actually works for boids?

12-27-02, 10:03 AM
They`ve got porcelainat home depot - thats where I buy it .. U need the pancake metal box under to connect the wire to the light socket .. u need and wire to get energy to the light socket lol

Basically the pancake backing is a protection, its where te wire connectuion are donw .. u screw the pancake on the wood or where ever u want it and the screw the ceramic or porcelain light socket on there..

I have got some ceramic heat emitters at home - i can look to see .. If i have some - Ill sell them for 30$ .. Im in quebec těl tonight though. (they all go for about 60$ in petstores.. in Ottawa anyway.

Only red bulbs I use are HUGE 250 watts flood lights or (heat lamp lights to keep food warm) baught at home depot but these are no good for snakes .. the emit WAY WAY WAY too much heat .. great for monitors large though (11.99 for red and 6,99 for clear i think)

pm if ure interested in the ceramicheat bulbs th ingys..


reptile boi
12-27-02, 01:57 PM
Hey Dom,
what kind of light bulbs do you use, and how many wattages does it contain? Also, do you know where i can get a rheostat? I've tried canadian tire, and home depot, but they didnt have any. And for the wireing thingy, is it complicated to wire it up? If so, does anyone here think they can help me do the wireing? Oh and Dom, Im interested in the ceramic heat emitter, but ill need to get everything fixed and ready before i can purchase it from u.

Thanks again,

12-27-02, 04:38 PM
I use many different types of light bulbs from ceramic to red to clear flood lights to plain normal light bulbs .. depends on what u need it for..

They sell reostats at home depot - well more like dimmers .. u can get all that there or go to a petstore like Pet heaven in Ottawa and they'll charge u a good chunk of money for a real one..

Wiringh is basic - Uve got 1 wire that spilts in two .. attach it at each end of the ceramic socket by simply tightening the screw .. (make sure this is inside the pancake metal box..


12-27-02, 04:41 PM
On an other note - I can't beleive u changed your name so I would answer your question Darude ..

I just realized it right now.

We have had many quarrels in the past to all who wonder. Best of luck with everythig but I won't be replying anymore..

reptile boi
12-27-02, 05:22 PM
ok now, whats with u in being a hater of me? You see, you were answering all my questions like a friend, until u found out my name. And now u know my name u wont talk to me anymore! Whats up with that? If i was me for me you would hate me, but if i change my id, youd talk to me.


reptile boi
12-27-02, 05:29 PM
I also dont get it. Why do you have so much beef with me when you know who i am, and you dont have any beef with me when you dont?

12-27-02, 05:41 PM

You know our history .. lets leave it at that ..

reptile boi
12-27-02, 05:48 PM
ya i know what happened in the past, but i have changed man, it probably doesnt seem like i have right now, but ive changed. I DONT want to leave out history like it used to be. I dont just leave crap just like that u know? I try to change it and make it better. Your the only guy i know that knows alot of stuff in Ottawa. Cant i just have 1 more shot?

12-27-02, 08:50 PM
I am sure u have Benson. I am barely a small time keeper with a few snakes and monitors .. there are tons of ppl just in ottawa that know more than me. and so many more on this site

.. many ppl here will be more than happy to help you out and I will try my best as well

12-27-02, 09:13 PM
well its good to see everything is ok now lets get back to helping each other with our questions and experiences....sorry for my last post