View Full Version : clearing out some room for new projects

05-25-06, 05:45 AM
ok well i have decided to cut back on the beardies and make some room for something new, i am looking to trade for a leopard gecko rack of some sort. Also am open to anything so try me here what i've got. 1.5 yr old male normal not proven yet but may be end of summer $100. adult female with a curved spine from accident as a baby fine now, layed last year she is a normal x snow(looks normal) $130 . female blood about 10 months old faint colours but still nice$200. and a year old male orange and lavender may be proven shortly. great colours when he's fired up $175also still have a year old mali uromastyx not sure on sex think its male. All eating very well on crix, mealies,silks and spring mix (uro). email at btk4life@hotmail.com