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View Full Version : Leopard Gecko Info

12-03-02, 05:09 PM
Hi.....no one here knows me.
I'm a tarantula keeper, so I'm not familiar with herps in any way. I'm trying to convince my brother to buy a leopard gecko so that I can check it out, and perhaps buy a lizard of my own, and also so that my bro will finally have a rep, instead of just talking about getting one.
Could someone please give a novice information on a leopard gecko? I need info right to the basics, like diet, temperature, and enclosures, to nitty gritty like temperment and size. I know I'm a stranger, but I'd appreciate the help.
If there's anyone here from Arachnopets..hi.
The Rookie

12-04-02, 09:58 AM
See this forum for Leopard Gecko stuff:

I'd reccomend you get the Leopard Gecko manual for all the info you need. Search Amazon or any place that sells book for that title and you should find it.

12-04-02, 02:43 PM
Check out alot of care sheets.

Tim Winegard
12-04-02, 04:37 PM
The books have been quite helpfull with me.
Also just go on google and type up Caring for a Leopard Gecko
and tons of stuff should show up just read all you can really

12-06-02, 09:16 PM
they eat manly crix and mealworms.
they like a temp. that is inbetwen about 80-90 fharenheit.
they are agressive with other lizards but quiet tame when you handle them.
they get about 9"

i have one my self and i really injoy him!
hope i could help

05-08-03, 08:33 PM
hey...i can give you some basic hints but you should always do lots of research before buying your leopard...again this is just the basics and what i have been doing with my leopard..which of course is very healthy :)

leopards are very tamed, friendly, and easy to care for lizards in general
there diet consists of pretty much all types of worms that you would find at your pet store...these are things like mealworms, silk worms, butter worms, wax worms just aslong as they are not to big for the leopard..how you judge this is buy making sure the food is not bigger than the width of its head. they also eats crickets..what i did with my leopard was give it a dozen crix every other day and twice or even just once a week i would give it one of the above worms i mentioned as a treat..when they are pretty much full grown you can give them pinky mice but only about once every 2 weeks because they are very high in fat content.

there heat is very easy since they arnt really basking lizards...i keep my heat at about 85*F but i have heard people go as low as 75*F so its really up to your decision...i would suggest getting a day bulb just as long as you have a timer and it goes off at night...this gives light during the day but also at night the temerature will drop a bit which makes it seem more like night time for the lizard..since it cools down at night anyway...but you MUST make sure it goes off at night or they will get all mixed up about when night and day are and get really stressed out..you can also buy a red bulb and leave it on all night beacuse they cant really see the red light...but i suggest a white bulb..again this is up to you.
For your enclosure i would say your should make every leopard 10 gallons each..what i mean is if you have 2 leopards they should be in a 20 gallon tank...but if you buy one you can put it in a 10 gallon tank..i suggest 15 just because obviously they would love the extra space and its much easier to get the right temperature gradients on each side of the enclosure..
Temperment..they are probably one of the most friendly lizards out there in my opinion...i have tried just as a joke to make my leopard bite me by opening her mouth a little and she never bites but instead moves her head away...i would have to say they are EXTREMLY friendly lizards :) and as "lizards rule" said they get to be around 9" in length...i hope this helps you but agian this is just the basics and how i deal with my leopard so do some more research before buying your lizard...

hope the helps yea but leopards are a really good choice for a lizard..i have one myself and am looking to get another one...

see ya around!