View Full Version : Chelydra serpentina, snapper found on the road today. *pics*

03-26-05, 09:21 PM



He wasn't that large, but definately naughty. I relocated him about 120 yards away in the same stream he was apparently a resident to... in a place where the roads were much much harder for a turtle to access. A decent water flow and lots of little fishies made it seem like a decent deal for him.

We had a huge storm a few days ago and everything seems to have been washed out of hiding. Hopefully I'll find some cottonmouths soon so I can finish up my research project.

03-27-05, 10:47 AM
Nice looking pics... how big was it (SCL)?

JJ ;)

03-27-05, 01:19 PM
The pictures actually make him look alot bigger than he really was since they're all shot in macro mode.

His shell length was only about 7-8 inches, but he had a good 4 inches of snap.

I wish I'd found a behemoth Alligator Snapper, that would prove to be a worthy opponent for my stick arms. :D

04-01-05, 11:04 AM
I love those guys, dunno why, they never seem to appreciate any help I offer ;)