View Full Version : Great morning!

11-07-02, 10:15 AM
I groggily woke up this morning and after getting my cup of coffee I started my tour of hellos to my pets, something I do every morning. I take a peek on everyone and see how they're doing and where they are. I was a bit surprised but elated to see my new Kira had shed and was curled up on her branch!!! Of course, I grabbed my camera and snapped some pics!




He shed was perfect all one piece with eyecaps :) Tis a great morning in this little abode of mine! :bounce:

11-07-02, 10:30 AM

She is a little cutie!



Scotty Allen
11-07-02, 10:31 AM
Wow ! Is it ever nice to see "Great Morning" from someone with all the sh*t that's flying around on the forums the last couple of days. Nice looking boa Pixie.

11-07-02, 10:53 AM
YAY - how wonderful !!!
she is lovely

i had some great news of my own a coupla days ago...the pictus eggs i had incubating for (it seems like forever) had an escapee
tee hee, i mean a hatchling
i know have a teeny tiny pictus baby, about an inch long
what a cutie pie
as soon as he is big enough, i will find a nice home for him

Big Mike
11-07-02, 11:29 AM
Nice looking Boa

11-07-02, 11:32 AM
That's nice. I had a baby ball shed for the first time this morning too and all in one piece!:)


11-07-02, 08:14 PM
It's a great evening too :) Kira ate her first meal, a f/t fuzzy rat. What a doll!

11-07-02, 09:10 PM
Beautifull snake Pixie ;)

11-07-02, 11:25 PM
Congrats Pixie! :)

It looks like Xander should be having his first shed for me in the next little while -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well :)