View Full Version : Substrate

10-29-02, 11:39 AM
What is a good mix to use for substrate? Something that will hold burrows well under the weight of a *large* monitor?

10-29-02, 03:03 PM
What is the purpose for the substrate you are using with the animal(s) in question, and what species?

10-30-02, 09:23 PM
linds, i dont think if a large (10+ pound) monitor digs a burrow in any substrate without a depth of at least 6 feet PACKED down, that when it walks over top of the burrow it wont collapse... you would have to use clay, but then it wouldnt be able to dig :P i dunno maybe the experts can help you! but logically you would need a MASSIVE depth for a animal to be able to walk over his own cave..

11-01-02, 12:41 PM
This is for a (very far in the future for me) Ionides or Whitethroat monitor. I doubt if I will have my monitors for at least another 10 years since I simply just don't have the space to devote to one now, but no harm in some early research, right? But also I am asking for a friend who was getting a water monitor, but against my pleas and lectures, bought a Nile monitor :( It's about 24" now.... not sure about the burrowing habits of these guys though.....

11-02-02, 09:46 AM
Hey Linds,

What I was thinking of doing when I get one is using a Rubbermaid. I'm going to put in a layer of substrate in the bottom of the cage then lay the Rubbermaid on it then fill the cage with substrate until the Rubbermaid is buried. Of course I'll cut a hole in the bottom (which becomes the top b/c its turned upside down) so the monitor can climb in and out. I think it should work out ok. Dirt will forever be falling in but I think the majority of it should remain buried.

11-02-02, 08:48 PM
A proper substrate will have no problem holding the weight of any monitors' burrow. Creating "burrows" or hides using buried containers and such is all well and good, but pretty usuless to most monitors. If they are provided with a familiar substrate, they will do with it what they were born to do.

Different species have different needs and preferences for substrate. It also will depend on a few othe variables what is a better choice than another.....