View Full Version : feeding hognose hatchlings

10-14-02, 08:22 PM
I have got a few hognose hatchlings who refuse to eat.....
I tried splashing the pinky's brain al over...... nope
-live..... nope
-smal box in the dark...... nope
-soaked in chickenbrew...... 1
-forcefeeding pinky heads.... 1
-rubbing against fish.... nope
-rubbing against firebellytoad.... nope
-rubbing against european frog.... nope
-forcefeeding lizardpieces and tails..... nope
-crickets...... nope
-worms...... nope

has anyone some more ideas?????

10-18-02, 03:39 PM
What about trying to feed at different times of the day, or with the lights off?

10-18-02, 05:18 PM
Have they had their first shed yet???


Scales Zoo
10-20-02, 01:43 AM
We've had little hognose snakes that didn't want to eat, and have used the method that works on other snakes. This works better for us than scenting or braining.

We take the water away from the snake, and leave them at least a full day. We leave the water out, but introduce feeders that are dripping wet. The find the water, start to lick or drink the water, and eventually eat the wet food item.

Ryan and Sheila

10-20-02, 06:44 AM
That is an interesting method Scales. I will have to give that a try myself some day.