View Full Version : About the post below, canadian petstores

10-10-02, 03:10 AM
The post belong mentioned some badly run canadian petstores where animals (herps) were sick and ill cared for.

In cases like these you can do something... photograph the animal in the wrong set-up, or with the wrong food. Print out care sheet highlighting where the animals are being neglected and have someone with authority on the matter (known herp expert or if your vet would help write something down) second it. Then deliever it to a investagation officer at the Humane Society and talk to them explaining about what you have there.

This makes it hard evidence of animal neglect that they can't ignore. Too often the investigators CALL the store first before showing up, giving the store a chance to clean things up. Also keep inmind these people tend to know nothing about herps and will take the store owners word for it on care and feeding if you don't provide the care sheets.

10-11-02, 12:21 AM
That's a great suggestion, but one question, how do you get away with taking pictures? It's near impossible to get away with photographing a store, they usually figure something is up, or jsut plain don't want people doing it..........

10-11-02, 07:58 AM
Aww, thats why you get back up ;) Get a friend to distract the person working there so you can take a few good shots.