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06-02-04, 03:43 PM
I think you asked whether it was poss for crickets to carry mites on another forum, I have had about three batches of crickets that have had them as well as weevils and carpet beetle larvae, I know check everybatch i receive as they havepassed mites on to my tarantulas and they were a pain in the *** to get rid of.
If it wasn't you who asked please disregard this it was a whilst ago when i read it and have only just found time to respond
cheers mat mchugh

06-02-04, 05:41 PM
Thanks for your response! how did you check the crickets? do they congregate around the soft tissue like on a reptile? I'll have to check, as it's something iam quite paranoid about :)

Superworms wouldn't carry them I wouldn't imagine? Thanks again.

06-03-04, 05:54 AM
Yeah they were mainly on the underside of the abdomen inbeetween the segments, the only reason i noticed them is i was removing the legs of on so i could feed it to one of my T slings
as i can never be arsed with pinheads, the mites were quite a bit larger than the ones i have had in with my reptiles before more round in shape and a bit larger around 1.5mm like a small tick in shape, i have never seen any on meal or superworms
cheers mat mchugh