View Full Version : Greatest moms day present ever!!

05-09-04, 10:10 PM
Well I was up early this morning to go and get my new Blood python from Kevin Harris in Calgary this morning. DH paid for it as my moms day present. On the way home though I stopped for mice and to get some frozen rats to try to feed to my 3 larger BP's.

I took Recoil out and she appears to be in shed, pinkish belly and her eyes although not blue look clouded. She just finished though getting all her previous shed off but since I only got her last tuesday I dont' know when that shed actually started. Anyway she struck and coiled the rat but wouldn't eat it. I then went to get Whiplash out to see if she would eat it. DH mentioned he had noticed a mark on her back that I should look at. I looked and there were was a scar on her back that I had not noticed before, again since I had just taken them in on tuesday I hadn't looked them over too well just assumed I must have missed it. :D Whiplash wasn't real interested in the rat when I held it out but she took it after I laid it down in there and DH was watching them so I left the living room for a moment to get the stuff to clean out their cages. When I came back Whiplash was in her cage and I asked DH if he had put her back cause she was done, he said no but I assumed that he was joking. Went to get Ulysses who turned out to be shedding as well and when I opened the feeding cage that I had put whiplash in there she was :eek: I'm sure the look on my face was priceless as I'm holding Ulysses and looking from the feeding container to Whiplash' home trying to figure out where this BP came from. It was my moms day surprise!! :jawdrop: So now I have three to sex and a total of 7 BP's and 2 Bloods in the house. One blood though is my brothers. Whiplash did end up eating a FT small rat and so did my Moms day baby!! 2 down and 5 to go!! LOL.

05-10-04, 12:59 PM
That is sooooo cool!!! What a great mom's day gift! New Snakes!! Absolutely hands down THE best gift you can give! Well... for me anyways... LOL!
Congrats on your new "kids" and hope you had a great mom's day!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

05-10-04, 01:46 PM
Congrats on the new addition - we want to see pictures of the whole group!

mary v.

05-10-04, 01:50 PM
Unfortunately my Blood didn't even make it till this morning, when I got up and peeked in the side she was curled funny so I opened to check and she was dead. I am considering taking her in for a necropsy but since I've only had her for not even 24hrs I will wait and talk to the person I bought her from first. Sids (my brother) blood is going to the vet tomorrow afternoon for a check up, that is the soonest we could get her in. Hopefully she will make it.

05-10-04, 10:10 PM
That sucks!! Let us know how it goes! Good luck on the other blood!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

05-11-04, 08:18 AM
Well, Kevin has been wonderful and is going to replace the one that died, I just have to wait for the eggs to be laid and hatched but that is ok, I can wait. The other little guy seems to be doing better already but we are still taking him in today just to be sure!