View Full Version : A little story of a chicken and a tiger....

09-12-02, 06:17 AM
Heres the chicken....

Heres the Tiger...

Heres the chicken and the Tiger...(pardon the dirty cage but I WILL NOT handle this guy alone and My room mates were not at home)

The rest of the story tells itself!!





And the finished Product!!!


Just so you all know, I cut the chickens nails and glued his beak shut with surgical glue(yes...100% safe) , and stunned it a little so no injury was caused to my snake.

09-12-02, 07:15 AM

09-12-02, 08:23 AM
Where do you get that surgical glue? I know a girl that oops here she comes, great pics!

My Burmese Page (http://www.geocities.com/kingdaddy69_2000/burmese.html):eek:

09-12-02, 09:53 AM
Hehehe.....cute story :)

09-12-02, 10:26 AM
lol just no pics of the chicken leaving the cage lol

09-13-02, 12:02 AM
All the other forums jumped down my throat before asking...so before anyone does...

I clipped its nails...i didnt chop his dang toes off...I didnt even make them bleed.
I Had a Dr. at my work glue his mouth shut because he was biting everyone and they dont make muzzels for chickens.

I thought he was dead when I put him in the cage but he woke up suddenly and before I could grab him with my tongs the snake took him(as I was taking the pic).

So in short, my snake is full and happy and did not get hurt and I am not in-humane for thinking the chicken was dead and it wasnt and/or harmlessly glueing his mouth shut so I or the snake would'nt get injured. Have you ever tried to kill one?? Its not easy...at least for me.

09-13-02, 03:59 AM
LOL I love it!!!

09-13-02, 06:10 AM
hope it was tasty snake's like chicken food :D

09-13-02, 07:03 AM
LOL, great story ! :D

09-13-02, 07:36 AM
very nice pics Kolleen..

09-24-02, 10:33 PM
"All the other forums jumped down my throat before asking..."

THAT is why I try not to stray to far from here. This is one of, if not THE best forum out there. IMHO

09-25-02, 10:39 AM
This forum kicks much booty. I feel comfy here. Nurturing enviroment. Kudos to everyone!


10-02-02, 12:30 AM
Nice pics, you can use crazy glue for surgical glue (thats actually what it was invented for). one worry about feeding a chicken to a snake is the wide spread of samonela in the fowl industry. but hey it is one of their natural foods.

10-08-02, 07:53 AM
No solmonellia worries here...this chicken was an un wanted pet. Raised in a house. If my snake didnt eat it, it would have been thrown in a dumpster.

Either way, to this day, the tiger is still happy he got to eat the chicken bnecaues now whenever we cook chicken, he roams his cage for hours...:D wishing he could have just one more taste...

Nikki Gervais
10-08-02, 09:28 AM
lol love the lil story! :D That tiger is gorgeous! How old/big is he?

10-09-02, 09:12 PM
He is only about 7.5 feet and doesnt seem to want to grow right now...lol
But that was a huge meal for him. He had a HUGE lump in his gut!! But that was NOTHIN after seeing my 11 1/2 ft female tiger take down a 12lb rabbit the other day. WOAH!!!

neil evans
10-13-02, 11:55 AM
A picture has the equivalent of a 1000 words in a story - what a story that was, great pics