View Full Version : tiger keelbacks

11-04-03, 06:51 PM
anyone ever dealt with tiger keelbacks (rhabdophis tigranum). Saw them on a pricelist a while back and have been curious about them ever since. From what I've read they prefer cooler temperatures and can be started on fish and frogs. Any other info would be welcome.

p.s. yes I know they're leathally toxic

Dr. Bryan Fry
11-05-03, 01:31 AM
Yep, they are basically a psychotic gartersnake. Very very cool though ;-) They like a big watering dish and moss around it. They are a pretty hardy snake and overall quite easy to keep (we had 50).


11-05-03, 01:29 PM
anyone got pics of them?? are they rearfeanged or what ?

11-05-03, 02:26 PM
they are rearfanged, potentially lethal and anti-venin is almost unobtainable. They look like a keeled scaled olive green water snake with black blotches and then around the top third of the body is red and black blotched. Pics should be available online.