View Full Version : Normal Behavior?

10-10-03, 04:13 AM
The pet store that I go to get my frozen rats has a Blood Python that just sits in its water bowl. Every time I go in there, its in the water bowl. I didn't see a humidity gauge, but the temp gauge read 95. It looks like the snake is eating as there is evidence of digested food in the enclosure. Just wondering if I should mention something to them about the snake or not. Thanks for the input...

10-10-03, 12:05 PM
Yes, mention something. A blood python will soak itself if its environment isn't humid enough. Creating humidity is super easy. I don't know why these damned pet stores don't do it.

10-10-03, 01:06 PM
And if the temp of the whole tank is 95, it's way too hot. He's in water to cool himself. Also, he might be soaking because of external parasite.

10-10-03, 04:45 PM
F'in pet stores. That's why I only go there to buy food, which is already dead...