View Full Version : lobster roaches

07-23-02, 06:12 PM
anyone feeding lobster roaches to their beardies or other kids? or have any info to share on roaches? Are these only good for adult dragons or can say around a 7 inch dragon eat them too? i hear they are soft bodied when compared to other roaches, any suggestions or nutrition facts about these guys?
Thanks everyone!!!!

07-23-02, 09:48 PM
never used them (wife wont let them in the house)
but supposedly greaty food cant see why a seven inch dragon would have a problem
not sure on the care sheets i know of a couple but there on that other site king blahblahblah

07-23-02, 09:55 PM

well i did a little reasearch and those types go from ant sized to one inch so they are the perfect size as well as being soft bodied which is great in being that they would be easily digested.
