View Full Version : Herp Weekend at my place, June 14-15

Jeff Hathaway
05-25-03, 10:32 AM
Hi all!

As some of you know already, I'm planning a herp weekend at my place in Orillia on June 14-15; sort of a follow up to the Pelee trip (no racers, though:( ). We'll be surveying the property for herps, building an artificial hibernaculum, some nesting piles, building a small pond, and other projects. We may check out some other areas nearby depending on how things go.

Of course, we'll be barbequing, swimming in the pool, and looking at Pelee pics too! Unlike the Pelee trip, there's no cost for this one, and we're even providing the food!

If you haven't seen pics of our place yet, check out www.scisnake.com/scales/scales.htm to see what we're doing.

Please send me an email if you're interested in coming.

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

05-27-03, 09:24 PM
Sweet looking hidaway. Looks like you've put in alot of work.