View Full Version : Herp Going

05-19-03, 09:29 AM
Friday or Saturday night I'm going to herp hunting but I have no idea really on how I was just planning on going out with some of my friends with a spotlight in a field with few trees mostly just mesquite and overgrown weeds and searching but then I had the genius idea to ask you guys so. Does anyone have any tips on what to look for or where to look or anything like that like are their certain signs to look for to see for herps? This would really help and I would be really appreciatetive so plz help me.


05-19-03, 09:34 PM
hmmmm..out there,excpecially in texas you should have some skinks around the trees and in the plains hognose snakes.but maybe not if you dont live near water.this time of year the place to go herping is near water.

05-20-03, 07:25 PM
i agree, and might i also suggest any open places, like old barns ,or even your front yard, some species of snakes lizards, anurans, and toads especially hunt at night. hope im helping, message me if you have any more questions, i go just about everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!