View Full Version : New Hot Room Precaution

04-14-03, 12:20 PM
It is generally held that any room containing venomous species should have warnign signs on the door(s) and window(s) clearly explaining that there are venomous creatures inside. But a modification of that standard was recently suggested to me by a Fire Fighter. We should also place a warning a sign ont he door about 6" above the floor. in case of a fire, the fire fighters may be crawling to avoid smoke and an "eye level" post may not be visible. Just thougt I would share.

04-14-03, 02:48 PM
Good idea Brian!

04-14-03, 02:53 PM
I am sure it has been thought of before, i have just never heard of it. We assume a certain risk keeping them. A fire Fighter does not. The biggest part of responsible hot keeping is keeping others safe.

04-14-03, 07:46 PM
I have the most reliable Hot Room Prototcol going....
I dont have any so I dont have to worry about the signs :D

You just keep those "poisonous" snakes odwn there in GA BW ;)

04-16-03, 09:36 PM
I'm with stormy on that one, but BW, that's a pretty clever idea! I wouldn't have thought of doing anything like that!

04-16-03, 09:41 PM
If someone is coming to try to save my house, the last thing I want is an "accident". Other people's safety always must take a front seat when dealing with venomous. Of course, i would thinkt hat if the fire is so bad that they are crawling anyway, the heat has probably already killed the snakes.

04-17-03, 10:18 AM
do you have to have locks on the cages and doors? and what would happen if a fire fighter was harmed? just wondering...

I'm in awe... I wish i was brave enough to own Hots, they are so beautiful!
how long have you owned these types of snakes?

04-17-03, 11:20 AM
The cages are extremely secure. Locks are only used when I display them. Ideally, each cage should be locked at all times. The Hot Room is locked and noone can get in without me there. I have a key and my wife has a key.

04-17-03, 12:12 PM
I'm nt sure that wold help me or a firefighter, if your crawling on the floor there is no way to get through the door without standing and kicking through the deadbolt. But it is an idea to c.y.a. if there ever was a proble.

04-17-03, 12:22 PM
But then they know that do NOT have to get in there ;) If I ever see a Fireman leaving a burning house carrying wiggling pillowcases, he better get a raise! LOL