View Full Version : head vs. tail....place your bets!

06-03-02, 09:40 PM
I really wish I had a picture of this or better yet....a video!!...my guyana rt was cruising around on my shoulder when all of the sudden she lost her balance!....so ofcoarse...thinking fast(she's soo smart) grabs for the nearest thing with her tail......unfortunately it was her head!!.....she wrapped it twice around her face, basically muzzling herself....should have seen the scrap that ensued.....the head was trying to get out of the lock but the tail just held on tighter.....thought she just might knock herself out!...after a few seconds at tug of war she managed to yank her head out....ooooh...if looks could kill!!:ashes:

06-03-02, 09:53 PM
LMAO!! Aw poor girl... didn't know what was happening, that's so funny though! :D

06-04-02, 02:45 AM
That paints a hilariuos pic in my head. Poor thing!!

06-04-02, 09:08 AM
LMAO my young BCI seems to do the same thing!! tail is always flailing about looking for security!! hehehehe maybe someone should market baby blankets for snakies! :)

06-14-02, 09:07 AM
or a lil' rat tail soother!lol!

06-14-02, 09:40 AM
LOL .. I can just imagine her head giving her tail a darn good talking to!!

Isn't that sortof like us having an argument with ourselves?:D