View Full Version : help plz!!!!

04-08-03, 01:54 PM
i took my 2 collard lizard out of hibernation about a month ago, and now the male has become really sluggish, skinny, lazy and not a lively as he used 2 be. Im not sure if this was there 1st time but i dont know what to do??? i have 2 hand feed him now. PLz help.......

04-08-03, 02:23 PM
Hmmm.... Thats pretty wierd... If this keeps up and he continues to lose weight, take him into the vets in a few days.
Make sure temps are perfect, space is right, he's getting his vitamins, and he is not too stressed out.
Dan Conner

04-08-03, 07:06 PM
Maybe he is still sleepy.


Tim and Julie B
04-08-03, 09:16 PM
He's dehydrated, I've seen it before. You may have to force him to take liquids by using a small syringe, however you's be best to take him to a veterenarian to rehydrate him if he's not better soon. You never know, it could be something more severe. Good luck.