View Full Version : Types of Monitors

04-04-03, 01:30 PM
Whats an un-rare monitor that gets around 4 feet in length if not smaller.....and dont answer with savannah causs i wanna know if there are any other monitors i could purchase out there. :)

thanks in advance.........

Tim and Julie B
04-04-03, 11:49 PM
I replied to your post in the general forum. Take a look.

Steeve B
04-05-03, 01:25 AM
Hello BOBO sorry for this late reply, but I just felt your question was aimed at a few breeders of smaller varanids.
May I ask what are your expectation regarding a monitor, perhaps this can help me better direct you to a particular species.
But as I said, if your looking for a small first monitor, then maybe you shod ask assistance from Ravi or Jon on this forum.
Kind regards

04-05-03, 01:31 AM
Ackies are quite popular and common. I understand they get about 2-3 feet. :)

04-05-03, 06:45 AM
I've yet to see an Ackie reach lengths of over 24 inches, but I hear they are out there :) All of my adult Ackies are 16-20 inches.

There are too many monitors to list that stay under 4 feet, but I wouldn't say that most of which are exactly "common" in the trade. Research them all and find what you like, not what someone else tells you to like ;)

Best wishes,

04-05-03, 01:50 PM
for steeve b.....thanks for your reply.

well i wanted to get a savannah monitor but i thought it gets just a little to big for me so i thought maybe i could find other monitors that get under 4 feet which is the average usually for savannah's so i just wanted to know what other small types of monitors are out there but there is no need for you to answer causs i found a monitor i wanted but thanks....really :)

Steeve B
04-06-03, 02:25 PM
Like Jon said there are many monitors species that may be smaller then exantematicus in body size, but to my knowledge none as easy to manage.
This why I was thinking smaller odatria may suit your needs, for many years ackies have been highly recommended as excellent captive, and I believe they are!
However an Australian friend of mine studying captive lineage of Australian monitors, noticed that aggressiveness is a dominant trait in ackies breeding, while most seems to be good natured animals, it may be worth your trouble to choose your babies by there parents.
I will be receiving ackies and gluerty sometime this summer; these are totally unrelated to USA stock and with official documents. But don’t expect any soon as I will privilege peoples already working with them, I believe this new blood is much needed to this multi generation lineage.
Kind regards