View Full Version : Out of Hibernation

03-25-03, 09:36 AM
Awesome !
A lady in my mommy-in-laws town had a huge surprise last week.
An Eastern Milk was hibernating in her house all winter and decided to come out and greet her. Well that was a huge surprise for her and she had no idea about what to do with this snake in her house. Of course somebody gave her the idea to put it in a container and take it to Jay's moms house for him to have because he would know what to do with it LOL
So now we are the TEMPORARY home of this gorgeous milk snake who unbelievabely is mild tempered and ate for us unbelievable. It ate a live pinky!
So here is hoping for spring to come up quickly so we can release it back into the unsuspecting ladies back yard LOL.
Who knows next spring we may get a call again LOL.

03-25-03, 01:32 PM
That's really great! Enjoy your tenant ;)


03-25-03, 02:39 PM
Cool, shame we only get 3 types of snake ova here. :(

03-25-03, 09:43 PM
I am happy for you.


03-26-03, 08:05 AM
WICKED i can't wait for the ones by my cottage we have 5 different speices thier

black rat snakes
eastern milk snakes
red sided garters
northern water snakes
and eastern garters

but i've notixced that over the 5 years i've been around the snakes they've started to dissapeer which is really sad because i
know its happing everywhere which makes me wannna do something. Once at 11:00p.m i was walking my dog(good thing i had the dog) and i saw these group of collage ppl kicking something on the ground which i thought was a rope or something i got closer and saw it was a snake so i told them to lay off which they weren't about to listen to some 13 year old girl so i set the doig on them and they took off. i picked up the poor snake and my cousin put it in his spare 29 gallon tank. we pu up the heat and gave him water. hoping he would recover. In the morning we looked at his markings and relized it had been an eastern hognose! we hadn't seent hose for so long. we but live food in the sanakes cage to help him gt better mostly frogs that they would of eaten in the wild and stuff but the snake just wasn't getting stronger their were no vets around because the nearest town was 3 hours away so thiers nothing we could do:(:( saddly the snake died 4 days later:(:( ever since i havn't seen another hognose and if i ever see those stupid jerks who did that to the snake...

we called the cops but they said it was natures way??? how is humans killing a devencliss animal natures way??? :(:( people just don't car for snakes at leats most ppl thats why we gotta do something even thoe i know lotsa of you ppl r like education but its just sad that all the beutiful snakes are going exsticent.

03-27-03, 07:27 AM
Kayla, honey, learn to use a spell checker, please.

Nature's way my big old butt. Fish and Wildlife is who you should have called, the police work for people, not animals.

If you want to do something, join a herp society, band together with other people of like minds and make it happen.

03-27-03, 07:48 AM
It is hard to help people to understand that the prehistoric looking creatures we have in our enviroment still belong here.
Ignorance runs deep in people without the knowledge and understanding of what goes on with species other than mankind (sometimes I question that).
When I moved up here Hognoses were Puffin Adders and Eastern Milks were commonly mistaken for Massasauga Rattlers.
6 years later and alot of arguing we have managed to help the local people realise that these creatures belong here. That this ignorance is literally killing populations of species.
Now it is not unusual to walk for 15 minutes and spot a Garter, Milk, Hognose etc here.
Kyla keep yelling at the ignorant people, ask them their names and inform them that you will call the Ministry of Natural Resources and they can pay the $5000 fine for their 5 minutes of fun and stupidity. See how long it lasts :)
It is a long hard road to bring the reality of natures real way to man kind but eventually even mankind can be trained to leave well enough alone :)