View Full Version : Best way....

03-22-03, 03:51 PM
to give a 6ft Burmese oral antibiotics when they dont want them? lol any ideas?

I've never had to give medicine to my snakes b4 and the vet DID show me how to do it but I still feel as if stickin this syringe(sp?) into the side of her mouth to try and push it open will hurt her. and i really dont want to choke her in the process

03-22-03, 03:53 PM
I've heard people talking about injecting fluids and medication into the rat you feed the snake with--maybe someone could provide some further insight on that!

03-22-03, 04:11 PM
thing is i cant give her 6 rats lol. she needs it once a day for 6 days. shes got a respiratory infection. thanks tho :)

03-22-03, 10:40 PM
I have found the easiest and most gentle way to oppen a big snakes mouth is to use one of those rubber spatula things tha you would use to but icing on a cake. They are soft and flexibe, and have worked well for me.

The vet prescribed an oral antiobiotic? I was under the impression that intramuscular injections were the norm these days.

03-22-03, 10:44 PM
i have to give her Baytril. shes got a respiratory inf\ection and she needs it once a day for 6 days. so i would assume giving me oral antibiotics was easier. although not for me. she was very unhappy afterwards

03-22-03, 10:59 PM
Injections are MUCH easier, for you and the snake.....alot less stress on the animal. I would ask the vet for injections

03-23-03, 11:32 AM
I have never had to that, sorry I could not help.


03-23-03, 06:56 PM
I agree. With injections your doing it less often and from what I heard more effective

03-23-03, 08:17 PM
Yes, we did injections with my burm and he hated it (so did we, it was so weird to do it)! But...it was over in a split second and he was back to life as normal.

03-23-03, 09:30 PM
ive already got the oral antibiotics. and she has to have them everyday for the next 6days. thing is she hates it and it takes awhile to get the syringe in her mouth thus causing a lot of stress on us both. another thing is i have to do it by myself b/c my family is out of town until next week. so im trying to find a way to make it quick and trying not to hurt her. she does a good job of keeping her mouth shut. the only part she opens is at the very front there's the small opening where she flicks out her tongue.......and when i hold on to her she opens it up a lil more than usual. would it be ok to just do it through there rather than trying to open the side?

03-24-03, 11:15 PM
well I don't know if it would be a an option but you could try 6 mice??? that would be easy on him, i know mine would eat everyday if he could!! pig... but other wise i would do like burmbaroness said by asking the vet to do it for you if he or she will....