View Full Version : wondering why Albig closes eyes

03-08-03, 12:45 PM
Why do you suppose my Albig closes his eyes when rubbed or patted on her head, I have my own ideas, however i am courious as to the right answer. lol

in advance

03-08-03, 12:57 PM
I don't have a moniter but this issue has been heavily discussed on the iguana forums I visit.

It seems people have three main points they discuss the most, debating which one is right....

1. They close their eyes because they are trying to block you out...much the same way a blanket throw over a large iguana (not sure if this works for moniters) calms them down.

2. They close them because they like it.

3. Sometimes they close the eye thats near you, and leave the opposite eye open, some people think this means they "trust" you and only need to look out for danger with the other eye, but some think this means they are trying to block you out.

I am not sure whats true. For my iguana, closing her eyes definitly is her way of blocking me out. lol

And again, I am not sure about Moniters. And there might be other reasons...those are just the ones I have heard.


03-09-03, 08:13 AM
Thanks Marisa,

Well all your answers see reasionable to me.
I guess we will never really know unless we can wire up electrodes to there brains, and look at the patterns,
but thats not a progect fo me.


Gregg M
03-09-03, 10:42 AM
If you look on the top of your monitors head ther is a scale that is different looking than the others........ It is almost like a third eye...... It has been said that it acts much like a light sensor...... It lets the monitor know when to wake up....... There is an optic nerve running from that scale straight to the monitors brain...... If you have ever looked at a varanid skull there is a hole right where the scale would be....... It is not yet known exactly why it is there but what I just mentioned is one of the thoughts....... Try to locate the scale and put your finger on it to see if you monitor closes its eyes....... I bet it will....... The scale is right in the middle of the head almost between the eyes.....

03-09-03, 11:12 AM
Very Interesting Gregg thanks for your insight, I wondered what that "Scale" thing was all about.

I found the scale and put my finger on it he did not close his eyes this time, however, when I stroked her head (Hmm) she closed her eyes.

Great info Gregg maybe next time, I will let you know.


03-09-03, 05:42 PM
That scale is the Pineal eye organ, the most primitive a vertebrate, the more advanced this organ is; in reptiles acts as a third eye, in humans, recessed in the inner brain and does -0-.

Anything coming from above is a percieved threat to a varanid, and closing the eyes protects them from said threat; some varanidss when threat is near play possum, including the african forms which go limp, except V. exanthematicus which rolls over on its back and bites its rear leg, eyes wide open (Bennett & Thorakyle 2003; Barbour, 1926).

03-09-03, 06:53 PM
Thanks very much Mark,

You are a asset to myself and this site, your knowledge never ceases to amaize me.

Every corner I trun i find something else about monitors that astounds me

Best Regards

Gregg M
03-14-03, 07:39 PM
Ah, Mark is just an old fartty nerd that needs to come to NY to hang with me and John A....

03-15-03, 01:27 AM
A farty nerd eh...damn you know me pretty well Greggy! Well, even at my age, I can still "hang" with the best of them, anytime any place....well, back to the dozen or so articles I have/am writing for magazines abroad....
cheers Smeggy-Greggy,