View Full Version : Change in hognose behavior... (Stressed?)

07-10-16, 09:46 PM
So I've had my girl for about 6-7 weeks. She is roughly 7 months old, appears healthy, and eats F/T mice (very greedily) every 4-5 days. I'm keeping her in a 16in X 8in X 8in terrarium. I was using paper towel as substrate but I have now switched to Aspen so she can burrow and feel more secure. (And it's easier for me to clean up). Her temps are in the mid to high 80's on the hot end and high 70's on the cold end. Humidity usually stays around 60% on most days. Sometimes gets up to almost 70% on hot, humid days. I run a small dehumidifier nearby to keep humidity lower. Anyway, my main question is her change in behavior. Up until about a week ago, she seemed very settled in and relaxed. She would let me handle her without a fuss and she was very chill. But recently she seems to be very flighty/wriggly whenever I go in to pick her up (usually when I move her to clean out her tank). She also spends her days trying to escape, which I know is normal for snakes to do, but she spends literally all day trying to escape. Climbing up the side of her enclosure, falling, on and on and on. From when I wake up until night that is pretty much all she does. It has me slightly concerned, because she never used to do this, or at least not as often. Any answers, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated.

07-11-16, 09:39 PM
My three hogs seem to go through super active, try to escape moods and then settle back into chill and hiding. I wouldn't be concerned but keep an eye on her.

07-11-16, 09:58 PM
Try switching up her decor. Also, maybe a bigger enclosure?

I find that when I change things up the snake likes to explore it rather than run away from the same old stuff.

07-12-16, 06:01 AM
Doesn't sound abnormal. If she is eating well, doesn't have mites and your husbandry is in check don't worry.

Did you give her some time to settle in and get used to the new aspen bedding (a meal or two...or a week or two before handling)? Arr you certain those temp readings are accurate and it's not actually warmer?

07-13-16, 11:19 AM
I use a digital infrared thermometer gun. As of right now, her cold side temps are 78-80, and hot side temps are 83-86 depending where I point the laser. Also the only time I handle her is when I move her to a plastic container while I'm cleaning her tank. (Which I am actually doing right now, she pooped right on the glass -_-)

Albert Clark
07-13-16, 01:08 PM
How are you regulating the heat? Thermostat, rheostat, or dimmer?

07-13-16, 10:48 PM
I use a Ranco Thermostat

07-14-16, 07:25 AM
Although western hognose can be hatched at any time of the year...it is rare to have them hatch in December/January so I would say she's probably much closer to a year or slightly older. Should've mentioned that before. The "normal" period for babies hatching is April to July. This species is definitely diurnal in nature so the activity you are seeing could very well be normal for her as it coincides with the warmest period of summer season when they're most active. The fact that she's a good eater makes me think that everything is perfect and she is comfortable and you're doing all the right things...you may even want to handle her MORE often than you are which could help the attitude a bit. A few questions first, though.

Can we see a picture of the enclosure?

Have you recently been anywhere (pet store, friend's house, etc.) where mites may have been present and they've hitched a ride home with you?

Is she still eating regularly? Are you certain she is getting large enough meals? What size mouse is she on and what's her weight?

Other than that I can't really think of anything.

07-14-16, 10:17 PM
Here is a pic. of her enclosure. Im positive she doesnt have mites, and also I find it hard to believe she is a year old already. She is only about 10 inches in length. I think her meals may even be a bit too large for her, but she hasnt regurged ever, so thats good. (Im feeding her large pinkies/small fuzzies). It seems difficult to get the EXACT size f/t mice needed for such a small snake. Her food usually leaves a pretty decent sized bulge and it can sometimes still be seen the next day. Unfortunately its the only food I have for her ATM. Because of the larger food ive slowed down her feeding schedule by a day. She seems to be doing good otherwise. Still trying to escape all day every day

Ian of Oldham
07-14-16, 10:56 PM
I don't have Hogs but my lot are out every morning and evening, They get lot of time out and non of them have this behaviour, when they are put back they have a look around and then settle, they know that I will get them out regular. may you need to get them out more.

2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa and a mad Cat