View Full Version : Hognose and humid hide.

09-12-15, 06:22 PM
So I spilled some water when changing out my hogs water but had to go to school so I couldn't change it. I came home to find that he was in the wet aspen when I went to change it. I moved him and cleaned it up. I found him burrowing in the same spot again but no water this time.
So I was thinking that a humid hide would be right for him. I went out and bought coco fiber and squeezed the extra water from it then misted the top just a little bit. I cut and sanded a hole in a smallish container for him. I also put it on the cool side that is about 80F.
Is this okay? Should I put it on the warm side? the hot spot is about 95F. How often should I change the coco fiber?
Thank you for reading :P

09-12-15, 06:38 PM
Wow, sounds like quite the setup!!! I don't know about 'needing' a humid hide. Only 1 of my 5 likes moust areas. His favorite place to hide is under his water dish while all the othrrs just stay out in the open. If he uses it though, cool. =)

09-17-15, 11:18 AM
95 is a bit too hot I think. I usually set mine to around 92 or less. When I make it hotter I've noticed that my hog will only hang out at the cold end or in her water bowl.

09-18-15, 10:20 AM
My MBK and garter both make good use of their humid hides. I think it's good to give them the option! They're both from arid areas but I still find them in there even when not in blue.

I have mine on the cool side--that's fine, I think. I use moss and not coco fiber, but either way, I only replace it one every couple of weeks.

09-19-15, 02:18 PM
I have a trio of rufous beaked snakes which are from arid enviroments and like it quite dry. the first time I noticed that one of them went into blue I wondered if the dry enviroment would cause issues with a solid shed. I made a humid hide for them and they use it all the time and always have perfect sheds. So I say offer one and if they use it great if not no big loss.