View Full Version : What kinda sicknesses do beardies get?

05-07-02, 04:15 PM
Hey everyone :sun:flick:
I was wondering ok what kind of dieses do beardies get is it like corns which get mites or ticks? What's a major thing you should be looking out for? about what time in there lives ( baby adult sheeding digesting exc..) are they most vaunrable or prone to get deises. What causes them and how can you avoid them?
thanks I'm just so curious lol lol:greenflame

05-07-02, 08:28 PM
They can have both internal and external parasites. But, since all bd are cb, they don't get external unless they're in contact with other reptiles. As far as internal, lot of dragon has cocidia (bad spelling, sorry). When they has it in small quantity, it's fine, when they're really infested, the have runny and smelly poop.

They can also have metabolism bone disease when they lack of calcium or lack of uvb to absorbe it, I think, not quite sure on the real cause... Symptomes: twitching legs and some others.

I've some with fluid retention on there bearded but don't know much more about it. It don't happen quite often.

Retain shed on there legs and tail can cause to turn black (no blood goes there because of the pressure of the old skin) and fell of in the worse case.

Impaction. Happen mostly with young bd that are house on sand. They ingest some, get contipated and can die. Recomandation to avoid that is to house them on fine grain sand and only when they're bigger then 12". Some house them on sand younger but, at least, they should be feed on another container.

That all about I can think of.

And, my website is only in french, sorry, I may translate it but, still, there's alot of better one in english! Look for them.


05-07-02, 08:30 PM
Sorry, should have wrote "I've SEEN some" for the fluid retention.

Mine's in great health so far:)