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Old 09-10-13, 06:24 AM   #18
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Join Date: Jul-2011
Location: West Palm Beach
Posts: 239
Re: wants to move to states. questions?

South Florida has a high cost of living but if you have experience in the hospitality industry I would think it would be easy to get a job here. Winters cannot be beat as far as the weather goes, but summer is miserable.

As long as you are healthy and can stay employed, the U.S. isn't a bad place to be. Otherwise, don't come.
0.0.1 Thayeri Kingsnake, 0.0.1 Tiger Salamander, 5 fire bellied toads, 2 Kweichow Newts, 0.0.1 Red Salamander, 2 fire salamanders, 0.0.1 Loveridge's limbless skink, 1.0 crested gecko,0.0.1 Chahoua Gecko, 3 Pictus Geckos, 1 Velvet Banded gecko, 1.0 dwarf yellow headed gecko, 0.1 cat.
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