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David0408 12-04-22 09:00 AM

Since I bought my AP cage, my Kingsnake seems to prefer burrowing to eating on feeding day. The last two feedings the mouse was in there for a few hours before I went in there and dug him up to have him see the mouse and then he quickly ate. But digging him up stresses him out. Should I continue to dig him up after a couple of hrs or just leave the mouse in there for hrs on end until he finds it on his own? How long can a mouse be in there before it becomes dangerous for the snake to consume it? Thanks.

chairman 12-04-22 09:26 PM

Re: Feeding
Not sure how you thaw mice, but I thaw mine directly in warm water. I usually have to change the water multiple times throughout the thawing process. If you thaw in this manner then pour a little of the mouse scented water in the cage to get the snake to unbury itself. By the time the mouse is thawed the snake should be ready to eat.

Otherwise, you can usually leave a mouse overnight without having any issues. Or wait to feed the snake until you see it cruising around.

David0408 12-05-22 09:41 AM

Re: Feeding
So you put the frozen mouse directly in water? I’ve been putting it in a ziplock to keep it from getting waterlogged. Interesting. So you put the mouse water on top of the bedding? I use aspen. Do you put the mouse that’s in the water in the cage? The snake grabs it from the water?

chairman 12-05-22 04:01 PM

Re: Feeding
I do put my mice directly in the water. It doesn't waterlog the mouse but it does reduce the scent. I then use tongs to dangle the mouse until the snake grabs it. And by dangle I mean anything from holding the mouse perfectly still to actually making the thing dance a little bit, just depends on the snake.

Some snakes need their mice dried with a hair dryer when you use this method; drying the mouse increases the amount of scent again (so does rubbing the head with paper towel).

I have a Japanese rat snake that is a little shy. He doesn't like being dug out of wherever he is hiding to eat and generally refuses to eat if I did him out. So, for him, I pour a small amount of the soaking water (like a tablespoon or two) right inside the cage door to draw him out of hiding.

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